9 Tips to Fight Corona Virus in RiverNorth Chicago
The coronavirus is coming and seems to be especially contagious. For most people it will be a few days of being sick, which nobody wants. However, if you’re very young, old, immune compromised, or already have health issues it can be serious and sometimes fatal. Prevention is key, and what we owe to each other.
RiverNorth and downtown has a high density of people, with lots of opportunity for transmission. The coronavirus is believed to be active on a surface for 2 hours and up to 9 days. Pay attention to points of contact, where you touch things that many people have touched:
- The front doors of office buildings and high-rises
- Elevator buttons
- Straps on trains and buses
- Gym equipment
- Arm rests or doors in theaters or clubs
How to protect yourself and others:
- Hand hygiene. You may not always have the chance to wash your hands after touching a surface, but you can reach for hand wipes or liquid sanitizers. Consider a quick splash after you get off the train or go through a revolving door.
- Hands away from the face challenge. This probably one of the most effective ways to avoid passing on what you touch and infecting yourself. It requires constant reminding, but is a good habit as a general precaution.
- Proper hand washing. Regular soap is good enough. Good lathering, 20 seconds of washing (the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice), spread fingers apart to get in between, and spend a few seconds scrapping your nails on your palms to get under your fingernails.
- Handshake avoidance. Some tech companies are instituting elbow bumps or a friendly nod, which may or may not work in your field. After a handshake be particularly aware of not touching your face.
I’m not a germaphobe. Ultimately I believe that a healthy lifestyle strengthens your immune system and minimizes impact. However, living and working in and around RiverNorth and downtown Chicago, there are many who have immune challenges. We not only need to keep ourselves well, but also be responsible to those in our community who need more precautions. More cases will be coming, let’s see about lowering the impact.